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Text File | 1997-12-20 | 25.2 KB | 614 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- ================================================================================
- Bugs and Bug-reports
- Please send details of any problems you have with any packages or with Alpha
- itself to the person responsible, or enquire on the Alpha-D mailing list.
- Perhaps someone there will be able to help you out. Serious bugs which, for
- example, crash Alpha can probably only be fixed by Pete Keleher, but other
- bugs may be Tcl code bugs, and can be fixed more quickly and easily.
- Without a 'Stack Trace' it is ALMOST ALWAYS NOT POSSIBLE to track down
- problems in Alpha's Tcl code, unless they lead to very 'visual' problems.
- Stack-traces
- It would be helpful to have a stack-trace if a command is obviously doing
- the wrong thing/failing with an error. To do this, hit cmd-Y to pull up
- the Tcl shell, and select 'Trace Tcl Proc…' from the menu. Select the
- procedure you need to trace (or ask me which one to trace), and go back to
- where you were to repeat the action which caused the problem. Now hit
- cmd-Y again, and then select 'Dump Traces' and mail me the resulting window
- which is opened.
- With some errors it may be worth rebuilding your Tcl indices and then
- quitting and restarting Alpha (use the Tcl menu to do that).
- Please include the version numbers of Alpha and other packages which you are
- using. If they are not the latest you should consider upgrading first too.
- What procedure to trace?
- If a menu-selection causes a problem, then it is pretty clear what to
- trace, but if it was a key-press it is less clear.
- Often you won't know which procedure you should trace. However if the
- problem occurs with a key-press (say you press 'return' and the wrong thing
- happens), then you can find out which procedure is being activated with the
- 'Describe Binding (F7)' menu item: hit F7, followed by the offending
- key-press. Alpha will give you the name of the procedure which would be
- triggered by that key. Now setup a trace on that procedure as detailed in
- the preceding paragraph.
- Using Trace-func
- 5.0 introduces the Tcl function-tracing command 'traceFunc'. traceFunc
- allows you to trace a specfic function whenever it is called, sending the
- output to another window. The indented trace of the function includes all
- parameters, each argument enclosed within single quotes, as well as the
- function result.
- The syntax of the function is:
- traceFunc on <funcName> <winName>
- traceFunc off
- traceFunc status
- For example, if I want to trace the proc 'nextFunc' (defined in
- procs.tcl), the following might be a log of my activity at the Tcl shell:
- Welcome to Alpha's Tcl shell.
- Alpha> traceFunc on nextFunc traceWin
- Alpha> traceFunc status
- Func-tracing on, func: nextFunc, win: traceWin
- Alpha>
- Now I create a new window, "dirty" it so that I can get a save dialog,
- and save it as 'traceWin'. Note that tracing is only sent to open
- windows, so I must leave 'traceWin' open.
- Then I open any random non-C file (because I want the function to fail), go
- to the beginning of the file, and type escape-x 'nextFunc'. The output
- should look something like the following:
- nextFunc
- searchFunc '1'
- getPos
- OK: 38530
- select '38530'
- OK:
- saveVars
- OK:
- if '(1==1)' '
- nextLine
- ' 'else' '
- previousLine
- '
- nextLine
- OK:
- OK:
- getPos
- OK: 38573
- set 'pos' '38573'
- OK: 38573
- setVar 'regExpr' '1'
- OK:
- setVar 'forward' '1'
- OK:
- setVar 'ignoreCase' '1'
- OK:
- search '^[^ \t\(#\r/@].*\(.*\)$' '38573'
- ERROR: Search unsuccessful
- ERROR: Search unsuccessful
- ERROR: Search unsuccessful
- The trace output shows that the problem was an unsuccessful search. In
- this case, a dialog informed us of this fact anyway, but many Alpha
- routines are not as friendly when it comes to error messages.
- Another way to debug Tcl routines is to insert statements that print
- values to another window. For example, one could use the following
- routine:
- proc out args {
- insertText -w "*tcl shell*" $args
- }
- Whatever you do, don't use 'puts stdout' or 'puts stderr' since these
- tend to crash Alpha (hopefully to be fixed at some point...)
- ================================================================================
- Here's some debugging advice from Tom:
- Hi All,
- This is so simple that I hesitate to admit that I missed it this long, but
- I'll swallow my pride an mention this in case anyone else has missed this.
- When you want to get a handle on what a proc is doing, you can use a
- combination of the source in one window and the shell in another.
- First, figure out what values the parameters of the proc would take on in
- the case you want to investigate, (perhaps from a trace while running
- things normally).
- Now go to the shell and set variables with the same names as the parameters
- to the values you discovered through the trace.
- Now go to the tcl source file and select a subset of the proc's internal
- code and just load it.
- After each sucessive part is run you can pop over to the shell and use it
- to check out the state of any variable with a simple set statement, or,
- even easier, just cmd-dbl-click or a variable name you want to inspect the
- value of.
- I've found this real useful for investigating menu routines, you can change
- the menu creation string that the proc gave you and just select and reload
- it to see if your changes will do what you want.
- Tom
- ===============================================================================
- Known Bugs
- (As of Alpha 7.0)
- These are all bugs with Alpha's internal compiled code, _not_ with the
- Tcl scripts which come with Alpha. You will have to work around them
- where possible. Some of them seem to be caused by Alpha not using
- 'lappend' internally when it should be (it often seems to use 'append'
- together with some inadequate quoting instead). This causes big
- problems when characters like '[]{}' are involved.
- () searching backwards for this regexp in a window can lock Alpha up
- or crash with error 28 (stack hits heap):
- (/\*([^*]|[^*]\/|\*[^\/]|\r)*\*/|^\[ \t\]\t*\$)
- Vince can supply a 100% reproducible example of this if needed.
- Minor variants on this regexp have the same problem. This occurs
- when using text::genericIndent when editing javascript code in
- HTML pages. I'm not sure what the search is seeing that causes
- the problem.
- () Del = keycode 0x75 on most machines, but on some the delete key
- seems to be keycode 0x33, so bindings to 'Del' do not work!
- () removeTMark doesn't seem to work
- () The following line exhibits a bug in the auto-wrap feature of
- Alpha. It occurs with any long line which contains no internal
- space but does contain punctuation/braces. (This actually occurs
- quite frequently in latex 'equation' environments). Move the
- cursor do somewhere near the end of the line and start typing (make
- sure the window isn't read only). Blank lines are inserted at the
- before the given line!
- ,asbafsafaskasd.jsasassdkasdas,d{adasdadhja}skasddaasdasasasasasasasaasas
- () under MacOS 8, sometimes when Alpha is already running and you
- double click on a file in the finder to open Alpha, you can get
- an error -917 (in the finder) and the file isn't opened. I think
- OS 8 sends a different aevent to an application of it is already
- running, and this may be the problem.
- () when dealing with a menu with more than perhaps 20 items, Alpha won't
- unconvert the menu-item when it is sent to the menu-proc. So if I
- build a menu with 'menu -n Name -p my_proc {lots of items... thisOne}'
- then 'thisOne' appears in the menu as 'This One' (as desired), but
- when it is selected, the call is 'my_proc Name "This One"' which
- is incorrect. The menu items near the top of the menu work fine!
- There are many other problems with long menus: 'enableMenuItem'
- doesn't work properly. i.e. enableMenuItem $m thisOne 0 will
- say there's no item with that name, and enableMenuItem $m "This One"
- 0 will not complain, but won't actually disable the item either!
- () Almost none of Alpha's file/glob/cd/... commands support aliases
- This would be fixed with Tcl8.0
- () If I hit the key equivalent of a menu-item, it is called even if the
- menu item has been disabled. Also there's no command to disable
- an entire menu in one go.
- () Under MacOS 8 there are a few visual glitches with menus. These
- are fixed with Mercution MDEF 1.3.5b1 which Alpha needs to upgrade to.
- (It's currently just pasted into Alpha 7.0fc1 which seems to work!)
- () grep, scanfile etc. basically fail on Unix format files: they think
- any match is on the first line of the file. This is especially
- useless for batch searches in which every match is listed as being
- on the first line. Upgrading to Tcl 8 should help this!
- () The dialog command (i) fails when given a huge number of items in
- more than 8 panes. (call 'global::allPrefs' to see this happen --
- that's why the prefs have to be subdivided now). (ii) isn't
- documented completely: '-n' option needs explaining.
- () icGetPref has some problems (other problems listed below too):
- «Alpha ƒ» icGetPref Helper•http
- lG1MacLynxphervigator™ 3.0
- () 'regexp {\w} a' == 1, but 'regexp {[\w]} a' == 0, i.e. the \w only
- matches if it isn't inside a range! There are many other regexp problems.
- () 'puts stderr blah' brings up a SIOUX window and crashes Alpha. Alpha
- should be linked with the sioux-stubs, so no sioux-code is linked in,
- and these puts commands should be diverted to some Tcl proc equivalent.
- (the procedure tclLog in "library.tcl" is a good standard alternative)
- Vince can supply you with some C code which will divert stdio to
- given tcl procedures.
- () Cmd-double-clicking seems first to check if there is a ':' anywhere in the
- non-whitespace surrounding the click position, and if so sends that text
- off to Internet Config. Unfortunately if IC doesn't think it is a URL
- (often the case since, for instance, TeX labels and Tcl procedure names
- may contain colons) the standard 'CmdDblClick' procedure is never called.
- In such a case the cmd-dbl-click is just lost. One way around this is to
- double-click to get the selection you want, and then invoke the
- CmdDblClick routine via its keybinding (default = F6).
- () icGetPref on many items returns 'ic err: -670' which is the following
- error:
- icTruncatedErr = -670, /* more data was present than was returned */
- This happens for 'DownloadFolder' for example (_many_ others too).
- () Error replies to 'dosc' are not always handled correctly:
- Welcome to Alpha's Tcl shell.
- «Alpha ƒ» dosc -c 'WIsH' -s "file asfasf"
- Error: Error: 1
- «Alpha ƒ» dosc -c 'WIsH' -s "info asfasf"
- Error: Error: bad option "asfasf": must be args, body, cmdcount, commands,
- complete, default, exists, globals, hostname, level, library, loaded, locals,
- nameofexecutable, patchlevel, procs, script, sharedlibextension, tclversion,
- or vars
- «Alpha ƒ»
- One might think this was a problem on 'WIsH's end of things, but
- if you replace the above by the equivalent 'AEBuild ... misc dosc
- ...' then it is clear the reply is correct. Therefore Alpha is
- screwing up somewhere in 'dosc'. Unfortunately it is a pain to
- parse the results of AEBuild which is why dosc is so nice.
- () Menu key bindings to items which contain square brackets '[]' do not
- work. This is because the binding is evaluated, which tries to
- evaluate the '[xxx]'. When creating the menu item, the text should
- have been surrounded by '{}'. This is most often manifested in the
- window menu, for which keyboard equivalents cmd-0-9 do not work if
- a window's name contains square brackets.
- (There is a pseudo-workaround for this in the Tcl code).
- Again this is probably a problem with append vs lappend used
- internally.
- () When you use 'opt-cmd-E' to enter the replace string. The status
- window tells you "Entered replace 'blah blah'" where in fact
- 'blah blah' is the _search_ string not the replace string!
- (There is a workaround for this in "coreFixes.tcl")
- () If you have an untitled dirty window which is not at the front, and then
- use 'Save all', you will get a save dialog for the window at the front, not
- the untitled one behind.
- () The optional parameter to 'matchIt' doesn't seem to have any effect
- for me. E.g. the following two procs (when bound to a key) both can
- take up to 10 seconds to return in a large (200k) file. Presumably the
- first is only supposed to search 200 characters so should be quick.
- proc matchFast {} {
- if ![catch {matchIt ")" [lineStart [getPos]] 200} paren] {
- alertnote "yes"
- } else {
- alertnote "no"
- }
- }
- proc matchSlow {} {
- if ![catch {matchIt ")" [lineStart [getPos]]} paren] {
- alertnote "yes"
- } else {
- alertnote "no"
- }
- }
- () 'matchIt "\]" $pos' never works --- the ']' argument to matchIt
- isn't handled correctly; the proc always retruns 'no match found'
- () Furthermore, matchIt fails when matching the '{}' begin and end 'proc'
- pair of a large function. 'balance' works still! As a concrete
- example, look at proc TeX::Completion::Cite.
- () bringToFront doesn't work on window names which contain colons
- (unusual case I know)
- () GetTMarks thinks non-file windows are in the '[pwd]' directory,
- rather than in no directory at all.
- () Multi-line edit boxes in dialogs should allow 'return' to be pressed,
- without triggering the 'OK' button. Otherwise there is no way to enter
- a return. (sure you can enter '\r' and have the calling procedure
- manipulate the result, but that's not a good solution; also the above
- is standard MacOS behaviour).
- () gotoTMark often scrolls the window all the way to the top (0),
- before scrolling back to a TMark! This gives the window a
- horrible up/down jerk motion when moving from one TMark to the
- next.
- () posToRowCol doesn't deal with tabs. Is this a bug or a
- feature? Basically on a line beginning with a tab, I'd expect
- [posToRowCol $start] to be "X 0", and [posToRowCol [incr
- start]] to be "X 4" (or "X 8" or whatever).
- To put this another way, 'posToRowCol [getPos]' does not have the same
- value as the row/col indicator in the status bar.
- () Regexp's still have some problems:
- «Alpha ƒ» regsub -all {\W} {aaaaaa aa} {Z} t
- 14
- «Alpha ƒ» set t
- «Alpha ƒ»
- This used to give:
- «Alpha ƒ» regsub -all {\W} {aaaaaa aa} {Z} t
- 7
- «Alpha ƒ» set t
- aaaaaaZZaaZZZtZZZ
- which is also wrong.
- () The interaction of the search dialog box with the 'grepfset' procedure
- is incorrect:
- #
- # "grepfset" --
- #
- # args: wordmatch ?-nocase? expression fileset
- # Obviously we ignore wordmatch
- #
- # If the 'Grep' box was set, then the search item is _not_ quoted.
- #
- # Non grep searching problems:
- #
- # If it wasn't set, then some backslash quoting takes place.
- # (The chars: \.+*[]$^ are all quoted)
- # Unfortunately, this latter case is done incorrectly, so most
- # non-grep searches which contain a grep-sensitive character fail.
- # The quoting should use the equivalent of the procedure 'quote::Regfind'
- # but it doesn't quote () and perhaps other important characters.
- #
- # Even worse, if the string contained any '{' it never reaches this
- # procedure (there must be an internal error due to bad quoting).
- #
- () The string returned from any 'dialog ....' edit box is not
- appended to the result correctly. The result should be a list
- of items, but I guess 'append' rather than 'lappend' is used
- internally. Example: if a dialog has an edit-item as the
- first item, and I enter '} then {' (to search for obsolete Tcl
- syntax), the string returned by dialog '{res1 res2 ...}' is
- actually '{} then { res2 ...}' which is obviously completely
- wrong. It should have been {{\} then \{} res2 ...}. Alpha
- should be using 'lappend' internally which will do all the
- hard work of quoting the result for you. I think the same
- problem occurs with many of Alpha's standard dialogs.
- () the '-c' menu option to ignore all meta-characters also ignores all
- sub-menus (or rather it puts some weird character in the menu and
- there is no sub-menu).
- () rememberPatternHook is called without quoting its arguments correctly
- This means the call fails if either search of replace string contain
- unquoted '{' or '}'. (see bug a few lines up for probable solution)
- () 'replaceText' on a large block of text which overlaps the top of
- the window (i.e. half a big paragraph is off the top of the
- window, half is still visible, and we now replace the paragraph
- with some different text) causes a re-draw error in which the
- replacement text is all drawn in the window (from the top down)
- when only some of it should be visible. This gives the illusion of
- over-writing other stuff in the window. All is ok if you scroll up
- and down to refresh.
- This is most often manifested when using 'fillParagraph' on a large
- paragraph which overlaps the top of the window.
- () the GetTMarks list doesn't contain the duplicate window markers
- <2>, <3> etc, as returned by [winNames -f]. This could be considered
- a bug or a feature.
- () The 'search' command follows the checkboxes in the search dialog
- box. i.e. if I do 'search -f 0 ...' with no '-m' (word match)
- mentioned, but word-match is ticked in the dialog box, then my
- search tries to match words (rather awkward if it's a regexp
- search). To see this in action, tick match-words and then try
- either of my procedures 'trace this proc' or 'load this proc'.
- They fail.
- () If a file is opened with a selection (say everything: cmd-A),
- then closed, and then the data-fork of the file is changed, so
- that it is shorter, on re-opening the file, the highlighting is
- v. odd, and I had to redraw the window to fix it (ctrl-l).
- Alpha should probably check if highlighting runs past the end of
- the file.
- () I tried out Adobe Type Reunion Deluxe 2.0 the other day, and it thinks
- the 'modes menu' towards the right end of the status bar is a font
- menu! Most peculiar.
- () 'dialog' doesn't cope with _very_ complex multi-page dialogs
- () The colours Alpha uses are incorrect for 'yellow' and 'cyan'. You can
- fix them if you want using 'config->redefine colors'.
- () There are numerous problems (small and large) with Alpha's moveFile
- removeFile etc. These will go away if Alpha upgrades to Tcl8.0.
- Here's an example: let's say we have files '$a' and '$b' and
- we wish to replace $a with $b. Then we can't do it.
- deleteFile $a ; moveFile $b $a ;# gives 'unknown error'
- moveFile $a ${a}~ ; moveFile $b $a ; deleteFile ${a}~ ;# gives error
- () Several people have reported these two problems, but not everyone
- sees them:
- >Just a quick note... I am using 7.0b2 on my 9500/132 and 8100/100AV. On
- >my 8100, the tear-off menus are chopped off on the right side when you tear
- >them off to stand alone. This happens on a friend's 8100/80 as well.
- >
- >Also, on both my machines and my friend's , trying to print anything causes
- >the display to be overwritten with misaligned text, and the PrintMonitor
- >shows a file in the queue which never prints. Sometimes I have to reboot
- >the machine to get printing back. The three machines are running three
- >different OS versions from 7.5.3 to 7.6.1, if that is of interest. Anyone
- >else see this?
- I'm using Alpha 6.52 on a Starmax 4100 with 7.6.1 and Aaron and I
- experience the same menu tear-off problem. I also experienced it with 6.5
- and 6.51 (I think).
- Update:
- It seems as if you hit the 'zoom' box in a window, that some of these
- printing problems go away (you have to do it for each window you want
- to print!)
- () From: "Richard L. Samuels" <rls25@CORNELL.EDU>
- Subject: Crashing bug with auto-indent in 7.0b3
- Create a new file in Java mode. Write a set of braces like this:
- {
- {
- } <--
- }
- Then put a begin comment (/*) above the first brace and position the cursor
- after the first end brace (where the arrow is). If you press return,
- everything appears to work correctly. Put the cursor back at the same
- position and press return again. It takes a little bit longer this time,
- and as you put more lines between the two braces (or between the brace and
- the end of the file?) it seems to take recursively longer. Eventually, the
- program hangs entirely, and occasionally it crashes into Macsbug at
- "Bowels_of_the_Memory_Manager".
- This always results in a crash when I forget to close comments in large
- files. It is impossible to recover from such a crash by force-quitting or
- by issuing the "es" command.
- ===============================================================================
- Pseudo-Bugs
- These are things which Alpha perhaps ought to do, but doesn't and hence
- can be considered suggestions for the future or just bugs.
- () Let 'diff', 'scanfile' etc. work on files with Unix eol's as well
- as just mac ones (they 'work', but treat the entire file as a
- single line, which isn't too helpful). Also 'gets' treats an
- entire file as a single line if it's delimited by '\n'. I guess
- these issues would be resolved by updating Alpha's Tcl core to 7.6/8.0.
- () There is no way to get or set the font or font-size of a window from Tcl
- () Add commands/options: (Vince _really_ wants these!)
- 'GetTMarks ?-w win?'
- 'replaceText ?-w win? ...'
- 'getPosOfTMark ?-w win? name'
- () There's no way to know which application it was which replied to an
- event which was passed to 'handleReply'.
- () Have a flag to allow reporting of errors which hit the top level.
- Currently such errors just vanish and you're left wondering what exactly
- did/didn't happen. I.e. the user should be able to define a 'errorHook'
- procedure which is called with such top-level errors.
- () You can't make a menu with both menu-form-conversion and not, unless
- you build it with 'addMenuItem ?-m?', but then you can't add dynamic
- items or sub-menus. What is needed is a code, like '&', to go in
- the 'menu' command which says "don't convert this item".
- () If you use 'killWindow' from within an 'openHook' proc, Alpha will
- often crash (MacsBug tells you it's in 'rowColToPos' or some such proc).
- There's no way to abort the open window from within that proc that
- seems to be entirely safe.
- () Cursor-key-bindings can't appear in menus.
- () Make the 'listpick' box width & height user configurable?
- () There is currently no facility to get a list of eventHandlers which
- have been defined.
- () Extend 'matchIt' to cope with '/* ... */' pairs as well as normal
- braces.
- () Make 'quick find' and 'reverse quick find' more powerful as follows -
- 'delete' removes one character from what's currently being found (and
- goes back to where that was found, so it's a kind of 'Undo' feature).
- Also clicking in the scrollbar, or anything which doesn't actually
- affect the window shouldn't reset the quick search which it currently
- does. Both of these are features in Emacs which I miss in Alpha (as
- opposed to the other way round which is true of most things).
- () Adjusting tab-size/font should not dirty the window.
- (There is a work-around for this in "coreFixes.tcl")
- () Implement find/replace in the current selection (there is a proc
- to do this in "procs.tcl", but far more convenient would be a check box
- in the standard find dialog box).
- () Move the replace-in-fileset facility to the standard find dialog as
- another option. In fact why not combine this with the above
- suggestion and have a pop-up option menu with 'search this document'
- 'search current selection' 'search entire fileset' as options, instead
- of the current 'multiple files' checkbox? 'Replace All' should replace
- all occurrences in the current selection/file, whilst for filesets this
- is rather drastic so I'd suggest there be another checkbox, which says
- 'replace in all files' and changes the meaning of opt-cmd-R in that
- case.
- () Let a window scroll at least so that the end of the document is
- half-way up the window? Currently the last line of text must lie at
- the very bottom of the window and this is disconcerting when typing a
- long latex file (one can of course just add a whole bunch of returns,
- but that shouldn't be necessary).
- () When Alpha's memory is low, put up a warning dialog that you should quit
- and restart.
- () 'regModeKeywords' colorizes keywords without regard to capitalizations, there
- are plenty of languages where capitalization is significant, it would be
- nice to have a switch to tell alpha not to ignore keyword capitalization.
- () 'getModifiers' opened up some new possibilities for interface routines,
- however, in a couple of places where I would like to use this, things
- are done directly with alpha and there are no Tcl proc's that we can
- hang modifications off of. Specifically, neither of the function
- pop-up's allow you to dectect if a modifier key was held down, (you
- could then offer a different menu, say the structual marks vs. the
- alphabetical mark recently introduced via toTclMarkFile). Once a menu
- is presented, there is no way to detect that a choice has been made
- with a modifier key depressed, this would be useful to provide an
- automatic mark stack push (such a mechanism does work in the status
- line <mode> pop-up, if an option key is held while selecting an item
- there, the help file (if any exists) for that mode will be opened.
- () It would be nice if matchIt could put on a little bit more of a display so
- you are better able to pick it up with your peripheral vission as you are
- typing. Maybe "halo' the matchIt position before flashing the character,
- or form a cross of hilited char positions (above and below, both sides)
- before flashing the matchIt character.